About Ripple Effects
“When you’re feeling stuck leading your career or your team, how do you keep growing? How do you become a better leader? And if what got you to this level, won’t get you to the next one – what do you do next?
To move forward, you need the right partner to increase your impact – to create your own ripple effects. That’s what we’re here to help you do. For new to senior level leaders, Ripple Effects Coaching is your home for leadership and executive coaching. For organizations and businesses, we provide team facilitation and the expert design and teaching of leadership workshops. Based in the North Carolina Triangle, we work with leaders and teams in-person, virtually, and travel globally to meet you where you are.
Ripple Effects Coaching is led by Maureen Frazer-Monroe, a certified ICF coach, with 14 years in leadership learning development and 14 years with Duke Corporate Education. Maureen has created programs that have reached thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs on a global scale and developed the design of custom learning for Fortune 500 companies. With Maureen’s leadership, we put this expertise to work for you from two perspectives.
For individuals, we coach leaders at every level of small, medium, and large Fortune 500 companies to transformative personal and professional growth.
By way of our introspective process that embraces you as a whole person, we help you rediscover your values and find balance through aligning them, your passions, and your goals across your life and career. By guiding you on how to mindfully become who you want to be, giving you tools to define and design your leadership philosophy, and showing you how to step into your own power – we give you the support to create the impact you want to have.
At organizations, we partner with team leaders at small-to-medium sized companies, helping your team become more effective and empowered in their work together. When your team is craving big-picture clarity on their roles, responsibilities, and value to your company, we can facilitate, design, and teach workshops that’ll reconnect everyone to their purpose, mission, and values as a combined, united force. Because we understand the behaviors of high-performing teams and have deep experience in learning design, we know how to get you there.
So, if you’re ready to take action in your career or for your team, let’s connect. We’ll help you embrace your power, align your values, and increase your impact to get the personal and organizational results you want. Together, we’ll help you make those ripple effects that’ll transform you, your network, and beyond.
Meet Maureen
Ever feel like you’re on “autopilot?” For me, it was just a few years ago, and realizing it was both scary and eye-opening.
At the time, I had an amazing job creating customized learning development programs around the world. But I was also overworked and completely stressed out. It wasn’t until I had a coach myself that I was able to stop for a moment and take the time identify my personal values. After doing so, I asked myself, was I living my life through the lens of those values?
The answer was “no” and that’s what changed everything for me. I realized it was why I was so burnt out. It was like I was flying my plane at 30,000 feet and had no idea how to land it. I decided I couldn’t live on autopilot any longer, but that meant getting out of my comfort zone. It meant asking tough questions, making difficult choices, but it led me to doing the work of transforming my career so I could create the impact that mattered to me.
And the ironic and funny thing is that, as a former competitive skydiver, race car driver and on-stage improvisor, I knew firsthand that stepping out of our comfort zones can dramatically power personal growth. I’ve now been able to transfer these adventures into a more balanced, aligned, and fulfilled life, both professionally and personally.
But beyond that, these experiences have led me to what I do now for you at Ripple Effects Coaching. Executive coaching and team facilitation are all about deciding to turn off the autopilot and gain the support you need to step outside of your comfort zone. Today, in my work as an ICF certified coach and senior learning & development professional, I bring this philosophy into my practice, backed by my entire career and 14 years of experience working with global organizations on custom leadership development programs.
As a result, my coaching and team facilitation work is entirely grounded in a process that supports you as a whole person, helping you discover and recognize your true talents, skills and passions. We focus on guiding you on how to use those insights to realize your full potential and achieve your goals in both work and life. For teams, I expand this work from the individual to empowering and equipping everyone to work together. Ultimately, no matter what the engagement, my guiding belief is that with the right coaching and support, you can answer our own questions, respond to your own challenges, find your own power, and take meaningful action.
Whether you’re thinking about yourself or the state of your team, it’s really important to stop and ask yourself – “Am I on autopilot?” “Am I living and leading by my values?” If the answers challenge you, maybe it’s time to step out of that comfort zone. Maybe it’d be just a bit easier with the right partner by your side. If that’s a possibility, I’d love to help you take back your power to decide what you want and go after it.